You do get a much richer selection of included skin tones and nail colours with the Legacy body than you would with Maitreya (and, of course, you can choose to use Bakes on Mesh skins and cosmetics). The Meshbody Legacy female body, on sale for L$2,500, is a good deal compared to the regularly-priced L$2,750 Maitreya Lara body. However, I must caution that, in some cases, the deformers do not work 100% perfectly, as you might be able to tell around the neck are of this particular top by Bumblebee, both in the picture above and the closeup below: The same body AFTER the upper body and lower body deformers were added The “Premium Outfit”, quite unlike the nice starter capsule wardrobe offered with the male version of the Legacy body, consists solely of a black lace bra and panties, pumps, and a white fur coat! I was expecting, I don’t know, maybe a dress or a top and slacks or something? I suppose the fur coat is a nice, unexpected bonus. Here’s what the contents of the unpacked package looks like in my inventory:
I was not willing to pay the full L$5,000 price for the female Legacy mesh body, but at half price, I decided to take the plunge! Here is my review of the female Legacy body by Meshbody. the Legacy Athletic male body (the more toned, muscular version of the male body).the Legacy male body (their standard male body, which I reviewed back in January) and.the Legacy Perky female body (for those who prefer smaller breasts).

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